Rational planning of waterfront road system can guarantee a coherent trail, excellent management measures can avoid illegal encroachment. 规划合理的滨水路网可以保证连贯的步道,到位的管理措施可以避免私人非法侵占步道。
The second part of the perspective of the criminal law, and from illegal encroachment their theory of probability theory, the characteristic of crime and punishment to the point of theoretical analysis. 第二部分从刑法学的角度看,分别从违法阻却事由理论;期待可能性理论;犯罪的本质特征理论和刑罚的角度进行分析。
Fourthly, it efficiently prevents illegal encroachment to the individual from the state. 其四,控辩平衡能有效阻止国家对个人的违法侵害。